Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Boston Globe Column: Donald Berwick “Dangerous to Our Health”

Wanted to pass along this timely column from the Boston Globe outlining objections to Donald Berwick’s nomination as CMS Administrator.  The column contains many links to Dr. Berwick’s writings over the years, if you’re interested in exploring further his discourses on rationing with eyes wide open and related topics.

Also, a clarification regarding the summary of the Baucus substitute I just sent out.  In my haste to get information out regarding the provisions, I neglected to delete one reference to a payment increase in 2011.  Just to be clear: The “doc fix” has been reduced to six months, and would now expire at the end of November.  Also keep in mind that on Monday, Majority Leader Reid rejected the fully paid-for Republican one-month alternative because it just “kicks the ball down the road.”  When it comes to the “doc fix,” the Baucus Democrat substitute would now just “kick the ball down the road” until…November.  Coincidence?

Medicare Physician Payment:  Provides a 2.2% increase in reimbursement levels for June-November of 2010, and an additional 1% increase for 2011The legislation also guarantees a further funding “cliff” this December, whereby Medicare payments would be cut by at least 21% absent further Congressional actionA formal CBO score is not yet available, but this provision would raise the deficit.