Friday, July 9, 2010

Another Berwick Supporter Blasts “Tainted” Recess Appointment

In case you weren’t watching a little bit ago, former CMS Administrator Gail Wilensky spoke out against the recess appointment of Don Berwick at an Alliance for Health Reform briefing broadcast on C-SPAN2.  Even though she has endorsed her longtime colleague and friend Dr. Berwick for confirmation to the CMS slot, her comments represent the second instance – following up on her earlier quotes to CongressDaily on Wednesday – in which Ms. Wilensky has outlined what she views as the stigma behind the method of his appointment.  Here’s an informal transcript:

As you all know, to the surprise of most of us, Don Berwick was appointed through a recess appointment two days ago.  I think that was terribly unfortunate at this particular time.  It was quite early in the [confirmation] process – he had only been named in April; there had not even been a hearing yet scheduled.  It will have at least two very serious ramifications for him, and I say this as somebody who is a longtime close colleague and friend to Don.  First is, his tenure is limited, by definition, to the end of December of 2011.  And second of all, to my mind, his appointment is tainted, at least for the Republicans – even those who had not spoken out in any way about issues he had raised in the past –  just because of the process that would be used [sic].

He and the Administration and the agency do not need this.  It will complicate life for everybody…I normally don’t feel quite so strongly; I am very frustrated and saddened for Don and the extra burden he will carry.  It will be interesting to observe his first Congressional hearing to see how that plays out.