Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How Can You Implement a Law If You Can’t Deliver a Letter?

The Daily Caller reports today on a letter sent by HELP Committee Ranking Member Enzi to Vice President Biden, noting that the Vice President’s office has thus far failed to provide official transmittal of the Administration’s Medical Loss Ratio regulation to the Senate.  HHS has confirmed it sent the rule to the Vice President’s office, but the Vice President never delivered the rule to the Senate Parliamentarian.  And because the Vice President’s office has not done so, the Senate cannot debate or vote on legislation seeking to modify this new Obamacare mandate.

As a reminder, candidate Obama repeatedly pledged to televise all health care negotiations on C-SPAN – yet the Administration cannot deliver a letter to the Senate allowing an open debate on one of Obamacare’s regulations to occur.  More broadly, it’s worth asking:  How can this Administration implement a 2700 page law if it can’t deliver a simple letter…?