Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Survey Shows How Obamacare Is Killing Jobs

The NFIB just released a new report on the impact of one tax included in Obamacare that will hit entrepreneurs – and American workers – hard.  This particular tax is likely to be passed on to small businesses who purchase their own insurance plans, and could cause premiums to rise by a total of up to $5,000 per family policy over the course of a decade.  The NFIB model analyzed the economic impact of these higher costs, and found that they are likely to cost the American economy from 125,000 to 249,000 jobs between now and 2021 – and that more than half of the job loss will come from small businesses.  GDP will also be tens of billions of dollars lower, thanks to this Obamacare tax.

Last year Speaker Pelosi famously claimed that the health care law would create 4 million jobs, and 400,000 jobs almost immediately.  Today’s study is yet another reminder of how inaccurate the claims by the Speaker and other prominent Democrats are proving.