Thursday, March 25, 2010

DeMint Motion to Commit on Cross-State Purchasing

Senator DeMint has offered a motion to commit regarding cross-state purchasing of health insurance.  
  • The motion would direct the Finance Committee to craft appropriate amendments to the health care law ensuring that the law will not prohibit Americans from purchasing health insurance across state lines.
Arguments in Favor
Republican proposals to allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines would allow individuals and families the choice of buying more affordable policies in states that may impose fewer benefit mandates.  The Council for Affordable Health Insurance compiles an annual list of benefit mandates imposed by various states, and the 2,133 discrete mandates in effect as of 2009 (an average of nearly 43 per state) include those requiring insurance policies to cover:
• Acupuncturists;
• Circumcision;
• Chlamydia;
• Hair prosthesis;
• Massage therapists;
• Oriental medicine;
• Port wine stain elimination; and
• Varicose veins.
These mandates all raise the cost of health insurance – for benefits individuals may not need, want, or be able to afford.  By allowing individuals to choose the plan that best meets their needs, buying health insurance across state lines can reduce costs for consumers.