Wednesday, March 17, 2010

On Health Care, President Obama Sets the Record Straight…

Do you “support the deem and pass rule?”  “What I’m saying is whatever they end up voting on…that’s what matters.”

Is the “courage” Democrats need to summon similar to Speaker Pelosi’s strategy where “people don’t have to vote on the Senate bill?”  No answer.

How can the Administration govern after muscling through a “fifty-plus-one” strategy on health care?  Unclear.

Is the special deal for a Connecticut hospital in the final bill?  “What are you specifically referring to?”

“Is Montana in for the special asbestos program?”  “The final provisions are going to be posted for many days before this thing passes…”

Why is the Administration double-counting Medicare savings as both “saving” Medicare and reducing the deficit?  No response.

What about the “doc fix,” for which the President included $371 billion of new deficit spending in his budget“That wasn’t of our making, and that has nothing to do with my health care bill.”

Full transcript of the President’s Fox News interview with Bret Baier is available here, just in case the above didn’t leave you fully enlightened…